Chia plotting on a ramdisk in under 5 hours (Linux/Debian)
Have you wondered how long it would take to create a chia plot with a ramdisk? It takes about 4.5 hours. How to do it? Relatively easy – as long as you have 256GB of RAM and an SSD available.
The first thing to do is to create a ramdisk:
mkdir /home/ramdisk
mount -t tmpfs -o size=241G ilovelautenbacherch /home/ramdisk/
This command mounts a ramdisk with 241GB under the path /home/ramdisk.
Next we have to create the plot and for this we also specify a second temporary directory, because otherwise there would not be enough memory to write the plot file at the end as well:
chia plots create -k 32 -r 4 -n 1 -t /home/ramdisk -2 /ssd/1 -d /ssd/1
chia plots create – creates a new plot
-k32 – creates a k32 plot
-r 4 – uses four processor cores (especially for phase 1 and 2)
-n 1 – creates exactly one plot
-t – specifies the temporary directory /home/ramdisk
-2 – specifies the second temporary directory, here /ssd/1
-d – specifies the final directory for the plot, here /ssd/1
Alternatively you can try to create the plot without a second temp. directory (“-2”), if I remember correctly it could work without a second temp. directory as long as at least 240 GB ramdisk is available.
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