SimpleFTPS (CLI-App for FTP/FTPS and SFTP)

SimpleFTPS (CLI-App for FTP/FTPS and SFTP)

Here you can get my CLI application (console application) SimpleFTPS.

The application is designed to perform simple FTPS and SFTP operations under Windows. Including sending, downloading and deleting files on a remote server.

The application is therefore a convenient and easy to use replacement for the old ftp.exe – which does not support secure FTPS connections.


  • SimpleFTPS supports FTP, FTPS and SFTP protocols
  • The functionality is limited to the commands PUT, GET and DELETE
  • The port is freely definable
  • Local and remote file are determinable

Example FTPS connection / PUT=SEND:

simpleftps.exe -srv ftps:// -port 21 -user USERNAME -pw PASSWORD -action PUT -localfile "file.ext" -remotefile "/file.ext"

Example SFTP connection / GET=DOWNLOAD:

simpleftps.exe -srv s -port 22 -user USERNAME -pw PASSWORD -action GET -localfile "file.ext" -remotefile "/file.ext"

Example SFTP connection / DELETE=DELETE:

simpleftps.exe -srv s -port 22 -user USERNAME -pw PASSWORD -action DELETE -localfile "file.ext" -remotefile "/file.ext"

Installation requirements:

Simple FTPS requires the NET 6.0 desktop runtime from Microsoft (external link)

License / Disclaimer:

The non-commercial private use is possible for every user free of charge for testing purposes.

Other users please contact me via my contact form to get a suitable solution.

The software provided here is given to you without any kind of guarantee or warranty for correct functioning or actual usability. Functional descriptions in particular do not constitute a guarantee of quality of any kind. The liability for damages is explicitly excluded. There will be no updates.

Every user is recommended to test the software extensively before a test use. It is also expressly recommended not to use the software for business-critical processes or sensitive data.


I explicitly agree to the disclaimer and the license (start download)